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Catch-up edition

Lots of things have been happening since our last edition, so sti back, strap in, and start reading, it's gonna be a long one!

Welcome Back BBQ

A welcome back BBQ will be held on Wednesday, 8 December starting at 12.30pm after the morning Shed session. The Wednesday afternoon session will not be held. All members are invited and food and drink will be provided, organised by our resident chef/caterers Alan Farber and Graeme Woolard. It is essential that you RSVP so that catering can be managed appropriately. To RSVP, click this link.

Christmas Tree Sales

The Committee has agreed and Bayside City Council authorised a Christmas Tree merchant to sell trees in front of the shed on Saturdays and Sundays for four weekends commencing 27 November. The merchant has indicated a significant donation will be made to BBMS at the completion of the season. In light of their needs for space, all members are asked to park on Dendy Street and not in the lot immediately in front of the entrance to the Shed. Importantly, this area is not even on our lease, and is labelled as a loading zone, so we are fortunate to be receiving a donation for their use of the space. If you plan to buy a tree this year, consider buying one from them as proceeds will directly benefit the Shed.

Our secretary was asleep at the wheel on this one, and forgot to notify members prior to the commencement of sales, apologies to any members who were inconvenienced as a result.

Remaining COVID Safe

As was communicated recently by email, please find the plan moving forward to ensure we all do our part in continuing to prevent the spread of Covid-19

Bayside Council has advised us as follows:

  • Members attending the Shed must be fully vaccinated

  • Wearing of Mask inside Shed is NO LONGER required (BBMS Committee still strongly recommends the wearing of the masks provided)

  • Density limits and maximum head count inside Shed NO LONGER apply. (BBMS Committee will continue with its Session limit of 15 members working for operational safety reasons, but additional non-working members are welcome)

  • Signing in to Shed (by manual sheet and QR code) IS still required.

  • Checking of COVID vaccination status on entry to Shed IS still required.

  • Sanitation of key locations IS still required

  • Social distancing should occur where possible

From Monday 22 November, The Shed Captain has assumed the COVID Marshall duties and there will no longer be a separate member assigned to this duty. We would ask the first member to arrive to offer to help the Shed Captain with inspecting vaccine certificates at the start of the session. Members should continue to sign in manually and via the QR Code Tea and Coffee together with biscuits will be available at the mid session break. All session members should take responsibility to clean/disinfect tools and equipment after use and at the end of the Session.

Shed Improvements

Bayside City Council has recently carried out a number of requests made by the shed to improve safety and functionality of our facilities, notably the installation of new LED lighting in the sanding /mitre saw room, and the addition of Emergency Exit signage and smoke alarms. They have also had an electrician fix the issue pertaining to the kitchen electrics. New lighting for the metal room to rival that of the sanding room has now also been requested.

Health & Safety

A big thank you to Vin for having organised the recent First Aid course. A further course is expected in February to ensure all Shed Captains are properly trained in the event of an emergency. Further, it is anticipated that we will be organising emergency evacuation drills in future to ensure all members are aware of the proper procedures should there ever be a time that evacuation is required.

More Missing Tools

A socket set and Metal Mill Collet set have both gone missing. If you have borrowed either of these and forgotten to sign them out in the borrowing register, please notify Vern immediately. All members are reminded that tools borrowed from the shed must be noted in the register with a member of the committee signing off at the time.

New Members

A big welcome to five new members who were approved at the committee meeting this week! Please make them welcome:

  • John Kinsella

  • Paul Novacco

  • Geoff Peters

  • Russell West

  • Leon Kurop

Christmas Shed Closure

In light of the amount of time members have been unable to attend the Shed in both 2020 and 2021, this year will have a significantly shorter closure period than in previous years ensuring we all have ample time to work on neglected projects, catch up on cups of coffee and have an escape when you need it during the holidays! The last sessions for 2021 will be on Wednesday 22 December, and the Shed will reopen for sessions again on Wednesday 5 January 2022.

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