PROJECTS - your ACTION needed
As part of our recent ‘working bee’ sessions the Project store room has been rationalised as the accumulation of material is becoming a problem. The contents have been sorted into two categories, those items with a name tag and those items which are unmarked
ACTION is needed:
1. Named items. Many items in this category have been loitering in the room for some considerable time. If you have an item in the store please come in and claim it and if you do not intend to work on it now then please take it home.
If you do intend to work on it now then ideally take it home but for small pieces put your name and date on it and store it on the shelf
Any items not removed or tagged name and date BY 5 JULY will be recycled
2. Unmarked items. If you have an unmarked piece please claim it, remove it or tag it as described above by 5 JULY or the stuff will be recycled.
There will be some new storage arrangements for small projects and this will be communicated separately’
We have acquired some new items for the kitchen. You will notice an additional oven which will help the cooking group to conjure up more delicious dishes to temp the tastebuds. Also we have acquired a food processor and mixer to take the hard work out of mealtime preparation
We now have a full set of PPE to cater for possible covid restrictions and general hygiene and safety in the Shed. We have a good supply of disposable masks, safety glasses, ear plugs and safety visors.
So a BIG SHOUT OUT TO BAYSIDE COUNCIL which provided all this equipment through their grant programme. Special mention and thanks to Judy Page, Paula Clancy and Erica Breedon at the Council’