Good afternoon, Gents. I guess we can’t be called Dust Eaters any more!!
We hope everyone is enjoying the freedom.. Don’t forget to have your Covid Jab
Christmas in July
Next Saturday, 12.30 at the Shed. Graeme has prepared a sumptuous meal for us. If the weather gods are unkind we’ll move inside and leave the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer in the rain.
Dust Extraction
As most of you will know the Bayside Council’s funded Dust Extraction System has been installed and is functioning beautifully. It’s so much easier to keep the place clean and reduce the dust load, in particular using the floor sweeps
Big thank you to Bruce McDonald who has remedied the Thicknesser problem - it’s now fully functional. NOTE no more than ¼ turn per pass.
We now have a spindle sander in the sanding room. It’s extremely useful for sanding those inside curves which are difficult.
The downdraft sanding table is complete and operating
Tool room has been moved and re-organised. Thanks to all who assisted and to Paul M for all the labeled equipment boxes. Please take the whole box not just the tool
The stolen Ryobi equipment has been replaced
The Router Table is also fully functional. This a dangerous machine and should not be used unless you have been trained - please refer to Paul or Drew for for training
Surplus Equipment
We have a number of dust extractors that are now in surplus. They can be viewed in the Thicknesser room - if you are interested, make an offer else they will be sold via Ebay
Boots has left the building and the Country. He flew back to the UK, just in time for Winter however he seems to have fallen on his feet. He’s found a Shed AND it’s opposite his old watering hole. All things being equal he’ll be back in January
Malcolm Watts is back in the Country after a tumultuous time getting out of South Africa and back to Oz.. We hear that he’s enjoying the company of long lost family but will be back to the Shed and his friends in the near future
AGM time is upon us again. The Shed is looking for New, Young Trainee Fossils to replace the Old Fossils. The Committee jobs aren’t particularly onerous or time consuming - so please make you interest known to a Committee Member
Stay safe, and adhere to the Department of Health advice. Stay home if you are feeling ill
Paul M and Drew